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Ebb & Flow, in early versions, has an extra stitch in the bottom border, third wave from the right, showing five stitches instead of three, a space, and one.

A Year at Hawk Run Hollow has a missing character in Block 1. Download the revised block here. The symbols remain the same. I’m very sorry about this mistake. YHRH-Block1-Revised

Halloween at Hawk Run Hollow has an incorrect symbol in Block 9. The inside of Dracula’s cape should be 3799 Pewter Gray Very Dark.

Reindeer Feed Sack has a missing stitch in the “N” in NORTH. The bottom left serif should have three stitches, matching the “N” in NET.

Matter’s Choice has a smaller version of the chart with three extra stitches to the right of the center window.

Shores of Hawk Run Hollow has an incorrect DMC color match for NPS 522 in Block 2. It should be 927. DMC 927 is the closest match to both NPS 152 and NPS 522.

Flax Fields has an incorrect symbol for the eight square tips of the stamens towards the top of the design. They should be in NPS 313/DMC 732 Yellow Ochre Dark.

Christmas at Hawk Run Hollow: In Block 3, the border on the right in NPS 765/DMC 3829 needs a line of separation within two of the eight segments; the cover image is correct. Block 4 is missing a color for the symbol within the two peacocks’ tails. The symbol comprised of three vertical lines should be NPS 636/DMC 3777 Clove Dark. Also in Block 4, the top middle window should have the same fill as all of the other windows, NPS 693/DMC 3045.


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